Peter Calderon Home inspection

Life as we know it is loaded with situations both stressful and anxiety producing. One of the most stressful is searching for a new home. Whether a seasoned buyer or a first time home buyer, the stress level remains high.

There are so many moving parts,  how. are the schools, transportation, mortgage, will I be able to buy the house I want, is this even possible, must I have an Attorney?  Should be fun, looking for a dream home, but it is not. 

Sometimes though after purchase something fun can happen.. A client of Peter Calderon, a northern New Jersey Home inspector, who, while cleaning her just closed on property, found a stack of old comic books under the stairs to the attic   Among the pile was a first edition Superman comic book in decent condition.Turns out  it was extremely valuable  Not a bad way to relieve some stress!!

Peter had been living and working in London as an engineer for a recording studio. It was a job he truly loved. But when your family says ,”we need you please come home” Peter heard them, and came home, back to New Jersey The family business was expanding and they knew he was the right person to help them handle the growing clientele. What had once been a termite inspection business had grown to include home inspections. Usually when a purchaser for a home has an inspection to check out the systems and construction of any property, they also have to call a separate company to do termite inspections. For Peter’s dad, it was the logical solution, they could do both. 

Peter and his brother run the business together, and it works. His brother too, had a previous career as a DeeJay.. And he, too, has never looked back.  Lovely old homes are a favorite of Peter’s. He appreciates the fine detail, the gorgeous moldings, and feels that these homes are worthwhile fixer uppers.  An inspector is a neutral person, working for a buyer, helping them to decide yes or no to a property. Realtors do their best to make sure that a seller is not around during inspection time.  Peter is bi-lingual and will sometimes have a client who prefers to speak in Spanish. This can drive a seller crazy. The response of an inspector, at least, this inspector, is, you can speak to your lawyer about anything on the inspection report as soon as it is ready,  Sometimes, though rarely, if a  seller is home and walks around with an inspector, he or she will contradict what the knowledgeable inspector says. Peter has learned to diplomatically stop the conversation. Finishing the full report and giving it to the Lawyer or the realtor for the buyer can take a few days or a week.  Inspectors are in an uncomfortable situation sometimes because they know that a buyer has worked long and hard to find their house.  There are times though when an inspector has to say, I do not think you should buy this property. This does not happen very often, but it is an incredible disappointment for all involved.  Peter has so much knowledge, his company does home inspection, radon and termite inspections. This is  unique  To have an inspector who is knowledgeable about construction and insect infestation, who respects and loves old homes and who knows what his job is. Nothing more, nothing less, just factual information for a buyer

Peter’s advice to homeowners, even those not thinking of selling, is, every few years have your home inspected. Make sure everything is in working order, that the roof is not leaking, the house has no surprise visitors and the foundation has no cracks etc.   Checking all and any items that could cause a deal to go sour.  

Peter, his wife and daughter, live in Woodland Park. There is nothing he likes more than spending time with his family. His other spare time loves are tinkering with his old music gear and reading.  

Peter Calderon
Certified Master Inspector, Radon Technician #MET 13029
LIc 24G10011 4200
733-22nd Street Union City NJ 07087
201 864 1015
1-855 247 5877