Famous People of Bergen County

There are a lot of different people that are from Bergen County and that live there now; the number changes as people move out, and move back in. There are some famous people that you will know immediately, but don’t we always talk about them? Let’s talk about people that get talked about a little bit less, and then my favorite because… yeah. Why not?

Carl William Demarest

Carl William Demarest, if you are unfamiliar with him, was an American character actor who lived between the years of 1892 and 1983. He often played the mean but nice role. That honestly is my favorite type of role because even though it seems like the person doesn’t like you, they really do in their hearts! It isn’t an easy role to play, but he certainly played them well! Now, technically, he was not born in Bergen county, but he moved there when he was still an infant, so, it counts right? 
He served in The United States Army during World War I as I believe that was something that all young boys had to do. Whether he had a large role or something a bit smaller, we thank him for his service!

John Delany

You may not recognize the name right now, but this man is planning on running for president next year; 2020! He was raised in Wood-Ridge, New Jersey, that is why we are talking about him. He is famous for being the United States Representative for the state of Maryland. He did not choose to run again for congress because he wants to focus on becoming the president. Well, I mean, I guess we will see what happens, right?

Barbara Corcoran

So, here is my favorite. Why? Well, if you know her story or if you do not, I’m going to tell you all about it! First, where she was born; if she was not born in Bergen County she would not be able to make this list, but thankfully, she was! Barbara Ann Corcoran was raised in Edgewater, New Jersey. She flunked out of several courses in her high school before transferring to another one! She graduated from college with a degree in education and taught school for a bit before working various jobs! When she decided that enough was enough and that she wanted to be her own boss, she co-founded a real estate business with her then boyfriend who contributed one thousand dollars which would now be equal to five thousand, six hundred and eighty five dollars because of inflation! After they split, she formed her own real-estate business and made millions! She now is a host on a great show called Shark Tank that I watch…uh… almost every day! It is an amazing show and you really should give it a try!

Now, I hope I was able to inform you about some famous people that you didn’t expect to hear about from Bergen County! Maybe you expected Barbra Corcoran, but I doubt it!