Need an accurate and Safe Lead Inspection? Your Best Choice Is The Smart Entrepreneur


Tony Robbins has changed the lives of many people. Sunil Chillar was one of them. In his early twenties, Sunil attended a three-day event run by Tony and his team. On the first night, Tony asked the audience if they would like to try and walk on fire, barefoot.  It was a real challenge and Sunil decided to go for it. This act, which he completed successfully, gave him extreme confidence and changed his life. His thought was, if I can walk on fire, I can do anything. He had been a Vice President at Paine Webber, with a large staff. But after this happened,  he left the financial world completely and decided to just see where this new sense of freedom and excitement would take him. This was an excellent decision and he has never looked back.

Sunil has been in the Real Estate world for twenty-three years. For the past seven years, he has been the broker owner of Exit Realty in Jersey City, where he has agents working for him, selling New Jersey Real Estate. He himself buys and renovates and sells multi-unit buildings all over the country.  These are large buildings, comprising 100-300 units. Residential real estate today is not easy, There is much less inventory, many buyers, and too many bidding wars. Sunil says agents work much harder today to make less money.  For this reason, he has found other streams of revenue.

The State of New Jersey now has a new law regarding lead paint. Every rental building, residential and public, must have a lead inspection. The inspector has to decide if the building is safe enough or if an owner must de-lead the building.  Sunil, being the entrepreneur that he is, became a lead inspector and opened a new company to do this work, The company is All Lead NJ and wow, it is thriving.. Right now he is in the process of hiring and training others who will be able to do what he does in this business.  Sunil went big and courted local townships and is now “THE” inspector for certain Jersey towns.

Sunil has three successful grown children. They are scattered throughout the US. His two-year-old him great joy.  He is a “blast” he says, with a huge smile on his face.  When Sunil’s kids were little they helped him on job sites, he had them iron and do the dishes. He never wanted them to believe that someone else was going to do it for them. They were never spoiled. He and his wife work closely together in all his enterprises. For Sunil, there is no downside to this.  She travels with him and is all around a good partner. 

This is one very busy man, but he does find time for exercise. Right now he is into kickboxing and loves it.  He does know how important this is, to help maintain a healthy life.

Sunil is a prime example of how far a belief in oneself, hard work, and perseverance can take you.  

Sunil Chillar
All Lead NJ
157A First Street
Jersey City, NJ 07302
201 954 0292
Fax 201 402 6844
[email protected]