My wife and I lived in Stockbridge MA for over 30 years. When we moved to New Jersey, we had left some stuff in storage. Eventually, time had come to get rid of the stuff and the cost of the storage box. So, a couple of years ago, my son Peter and I went up to the Berkshires to take care of the junk. We picked a Thanksgiving weekend without thinking. It was a four day weekend so there wasn’t any rush. What we were left with was a huge old table made from a 16th century door and a cumbersome treadmill. We loaded the items into my son’s truck and off we went to find a place to get rid of or dump the items. All the dumps were closed for the holiday so that was not a solution. It coincidentally was the exact problem that Arlo had years earlier but his stuff was just normal garbage. So he chose to dump it and was caught. We couldn’t dump our items. We couldn’t find a place to conceal them or we might have.
Getting hungry, we stopped at the Stockbridge store for something to eat. The store was owned by Theresa and Joe Sonsini who, it happens, also owned and ran the restaurant in the back which was the one-time Alice’s Restaurant. We talked to Theresa, explained our problem, which was a laugh given it was Thanksgiving in Stockbridge. She suggested that we might be able to unload the items with one of the guys at the restaurant in the back. We went back to the restaurant and sure enough, one of the waiters was willing to take both items which we quickly unloaded from our truck before a mind could change and off we went after thanking Theresa profusely.
On the way home, Peter said to me, “Do you realize what we just did? We got rid of garbage on Thanksgiving in Stockbridge at Alice’s Restaurant.” I laughed and said I would get in touch with Arlo who was still a resident of Stockbridge and relate our story. As it happens, I never did call him. I’m really sorry for that.