My name is Nadine Haruni, and I am the author of the Gold Mom’s Choice Award-winning Freeda The Frog™️ Children’s Book series. I am writing this article to explain a little bit about what the series is all about and the impetus for me writing it.
For me– these books have thus far reflected situations that were going on in my own family, and I felt that some of these topics would be relatable to many other families out there as well.

Nadine Haruni
While there are so many books on the market about life’s challenges, the Freeda The Frog™ book series talks to kids on their level. Freeda and her family enable children and adults to find words for their feelings and learn the tools to cope as they transition to a new “normal.” The Freeda The Frog™ stories open doors to crucial yet difficult conversations about relationships, tolerance, acceptance, and change. Through each story, children join Freeda and her family as they go through a divorce, fall in love, become a blended family, move, and say goodbye to a beloved friend. The books are designed not only to help the kids going through these situations, but also to create a level of empathy and understanding among their peers.
The books have been leveled to align to national educational standards, have all received a Readers’ Favorite 5-star Review–and while they are helpful for kids, they can be utilized as a useful tool for parents, teachers, guidance counselors, school psychologists, and therapists to open up a dialogue on an uncomfortable subject. I think we could all use some more helpful tools in our toolbox, right?
Just like no two families are the same, no two kids would react the same way to every given situation. Each book has its own separate focus, but is a continuation from where the prior book left off. Teachers can read these books to their classes so that nobody feels that these subjects are “taboo,” and that the kids who are experiencing these feelings do not feel singled out.
When I was newly divorced with two young children, I noticed that there were not really a plethora of books out there that were written at a child’s level to help the kids understand what was going on. There also were not too many books out there which helped parents figure out how to have this uncomfortable conversation.
The first book, “Freeda the Frog Gets a Divorce” (ISBN: 978-1-63177-514-7), was released in May, 2016 and is a children’s book that deals with a tricky topic: divorce. The book is designed to help kids cope and recognize that they are not alone.
After I published this first book and received positive feedback from various parents, psychologists, teachers, and the kids themselves, I realized that there was really a void in this arena and a need to have a book series out there that talked about some “real-life stuff”–to help kids who are either going tough situations, to help kids open up about their feelings, or help them recognize that it is OK that their family might not look like everyone else’s family does. There needed to be a series out there to help kids embrace one another’s differences, not make anyone feel left out or isolated.
“Freeda the Frog and Her New Blue Family” (ISBN: 978-1-68401-132-2) is the second book in the Freeda the Frog™ series, and was released in May, 2017. This follow-up book (where Freeda remarries) is designed to promote tolerance and acceptance of blended families, whether they be step-families or families of mixed race, religion or ethnicity–an especially important message in today’s society.
Then we decided to move from the city to the suburbs, and to be totally honest–my kids were not exactly thrilled with the prospect of changing schools and leaving all their friends behind.
The third book in the Freeda The Frog™ series, is entitled “Freeda The Frog Is On The Move” (ISBN: 978-1-68401-810-9), and was recently released on August 7, 2018. This book focuses on the mixed emotions involved with moving to a new school and/or new town, transitioning from one school to another (such as from Pre-K to elementary school), or any other major life change.
We moved and got settled, and then soon thereafter, my Grandma Helen passed away. That was pretty tough on all of us.

The fourth book, “Freeda The Frog Says Farewell To Her Fish” (ISBN no. 978-1-64307-285-2) was released on June 21, 2019, and addresses the loss of a pet or other loved one.
I am currently working on my 5th book, which will be addressing gay/lesbian families, and some of our other future book series topics will include: special needs kids, disabilities/major illnesses, a parent going back to work, a new baby sibling, & adoption.
The books are being sold on various websites (including Barnes & Noble, Amazon, Books A Million, Walmart, Target, Mascot Books etc), are also being sold in select Barnes & Noble shops and other bookstores as well. There is also a direct purchase link on our website (www.freedathefrog.com). I have also been doing a number of book reading/ signing events at various Barnes & Noble, other smaller bookshops, and other venues (such as the NYC Intrepid Museum) in the tri-state area, and will be doing some school visits this year as well.
I am hoping that these books can reach and help a wide array of children who are going through these situations, and want to encourage everyone to follow me @Freedathefrog on Instagram, Facebook & Twitter. Please also share our website and social media pages with your friends, teachers, school psychologists, librarians and guidance counselors, to help spread awareness about our books so that we can have as wide a net as possible to reach a large mass of kids and families out there. You can ask your school to schedule a school visit, and ask your school or local librarian to order their copies.
In a nutshell, I think that the tagline on our website best sums up what the books are all about, as the series is designed to be: “Helping families of all species, one tadpole at a time.”
**Further information about the books, information about upcoming & prior book events, school leveling info, and direct purchase links can be found on my website (www.freedathefrog.com). To schedule a book event or school visit, you can email me at [email protected]. Please Follow Freeda on Facebook, Instagram & Twitter: @FreedaTheFrog.