A restaurant franchisee needed a manager for one his restaurants. He was an extremely busy guy, and because of his travels and other commitments, his search was sporadic. So, he got in touch with Linric Professional Services Recruiters, and the owner Eric Okoemu. Eric, using his own strategies, his time-tested approach, and with great care, prospected for, and interviewed, qualified candidates. In a short time he found someone he believed to be the perfect person for the job. And, he also believed he had the perfect job for this person. It had taken the franchisee over a year and finally, with Eric’s help, he had found his manager.
Eric’s strategy is, in truth, a very human approach; he does not want it to be only about salary. He wants it to be more holistic than that. So, he personally interviews all applicants but he also carefully interviews the client. His goal is to get a feeling for the people and the business so he can make a lasting connection for his clients and a lasting connection for the candidates. In his words, “finding the right job that matches one’s passion.”
Eric does extensive interviews. He himself has held many jobs, mostly in sales. Some of those positions made him glad when he woke up in the morning, and excited to go to work, while others he disliked the job and disliked his boss. This is why he became a recruiter. He wants job candidates to be satisfied in their work and he wants his clients who hired those candidates to know they have found a good fit for their company. Eric wants it not to be all about the money. It is his mission. And, it is also the way he feels about the work he himself is doing now. “Why shouldn’t everyone feel this way?” Is the question he asks himself every day.
After many ups and downs being in the workforce and not finding the perfect match for himself, Eric decided to work alongside a friend who owned a staffing agency. For him, the rest is history. He had found his niche, his “place”. The kind of business he wanted for himself, and Linric was born. In his work, he enjoys peace of mind and finds great satisfaction and enjoyment in matching individuals to positions that fulfill them, and that, in turn, makes for a great employee for his clients.
Many of the people that Linric works with are immigrants. They will take jobs that others will not. These are jobs that might include working in a cold room all day stocking the shelves in a walk-in freezer, or unloading packages onto a dock. Many are not committed to their work and change jobs often. If they are making $20 an hour and the employer next door is paying $21, they will leave. Eric coaches them, tries to show them another way to think, to be on time, come to work every day, to feel pride in their work; to own what they are doing, and then maybe one day, as Eric encourages, they can become supervisors and make $25 or more. He gets them to understand the “long game” because he truly cares.
Eric came to the US from Niger. He came for economic reasons, and for the chance to live life on his own terms, to be able to choose his own destiny. It seems that after some unpleasant and unfulfilling work experiences, he had found his calling. As a person, Eric is charming (and fun) to speak to, and one can see almost immediately why he is as successful as he is and why he is so good at what he does.
Eric and his wife have five children, two girls and three boys. When he talks about his family his face lights up. For relaxation and fun, he loves to travel and listen to music. Going into a theater to watch a movie engages him. He is a true intellect and is in the process of getting his doctorate in business administration with an emphasis on marketing. He is intrigued by studying truth and reality, and by doing research on how God is perceived by different religions and cultures. There is no question that as he grows his knowledge and business acumen, it will make his business stronger and more effective than it already is.
Eric Okoemo and Linric Professional Recruiters can be reached at:
16 Edgerton Terrace
East Orange, New Jersey 07017
973 609 8466
[email protected]