Otto’s is Spectacular

The outdoor cafe at Otto’s, what a breathtaking site, surrounded by beautiful, seasonal, large flower beds that have been curated by designer, magical visionary and owner Jill Kaliff. The tables are perfectly set, bright red umbrellas everywhere, flowers on each table. Did you just cross the Hudson and wind up in the South of France.

Entering the gorgeous interior, one sees how exquisitely these century old spaces have been reimagined by Jill (an interior designer) and David Kaliff a man of many talents. It is bright and airy, with huge windows everywhere. Windows created by a local artisan to seem like they are from an old factory. The barroom is elegant, yet welcoming with displays of artifacts, photos of once famous people in their prime.(think Elvis and Amy Weinhaouse) and just a lot of interesting stuff. This is a restaurant that transforms you while you are there. It is glamorous, yet homey. The food prepared by their great chef, Phil Iannuccilli,

 is delicious and eclectic .The menu is ever changing, with food from all over the world.   Otto’s waitstaff is solicitous, sweet , knowledgeable and helpful.

During the week,  Wednesday and Thursday.  Jazz, 6-9 pm  and jazz with brunch on Sundays 11:30 am to 2:30pm  The music is so enjoyable that you want to just stay, In point of fact, the music is great!!  How about another drink or dessert? Your senses will thank you for the entire experience. 

This restaurant is a charming addition to an already very special Town. So go to the Farmer’s market, walk on the Pier, sit by the River and read.  But remember Otto’s is waiting for you!

(The building that now houses “Otto’s Full Service” was once a full service gas station (hence the name)   It is one hundred years old and was a sort of gathering place for the locals. The building’s history is worth researching.  This tho, is a highlight of the restaurant)

505 Piermont Avenue
Piermont NY 10968
845 359 5900