Research Your Meds

man taking medicine

Since I was diagnosed with prostate cancer six years ago, I have discovered just how sleazy the drug companies are. And doctors, unintentionally, are complicit in big pharma’s intent to make money. Doctors are too busy to read what they have to and believe what the drug companies tell them. After being treated with a drug which was working perfectly according to the plan, the doctors both at Sloan-Kettering and the VA, which treats me, suggested a second drug to be added. Why? The drug companies gave info that people who take both together do better. My oversight was I didn’t ask “better than what?”

Let me back up a bit. This second drug, a very expensive one, was supposed to be used when the first one begins to fail. Some bean counter, at least I assume so, at big pharma got the idea that waiting for the first one to fail was hurting their business. What if we didn’t wait? So the second drug combined with the first was tested, in a bogus test, by the drug company, approved by the FDA and there it was. I was supposed to take this drug because people do better. 

The side effects were intense, terrible and life changing. After nine months of suffering, I dropped the second drug over the objections of my doctors. Keep in mind, I was dealing with my life when I did this. But I did my research. On line the info was there to read. I read what the doctors didn’t have the time to read and took the risk. It is now four years later and my latest body scan shows “no sign of the disease” as the report read. 

The result was based on my own research which was available on line. The difference was that I read it. The doctors didn’t.