Imagine being on top of the world, everything just going your way. Sayel Kayed was engaged, planning to be married and his business was thriving. As Sayel explained ” we were killing it” He was young and happy and decided to go on a short Florida vacation. But while he was away everything changed. His sales reps all left. Another company had offered them slightly more money, and a lot of empty promises. They just up and quit. He was left with just a shell. So much for loyalty. For a while Sayel was not sure what he would do. Close shop, get a job? But no, he decided to start over. Sayel feels that under these circumstances, most people would have given up. He had no reps so he went out and started to sell. He was his own best salesperson. In time, the model for the company changed. A sell anything platform became a merchant services business. And it is doing very well. This story is a testament to his entrepreneurial spirit and his dogged determination.
Sayel deals with the major credit card processing companies in the country. He can beat any rate that a business is paying and get them the best price. He can also eliminate the bill completely if the merchant is willing to charge the customer a small percentage for using their credit card. Sayel also works with all the major phone and internet companies in the country like Verizon, Optimum, Spectrum and Comcast. He can look at business’s bill and get them the best and fastest internet speed at the best price from another provider. Sayel has been working from his home office since covid, and working with reps who live in other countries. He uses sub agents, too, who might have another job. But on the side, through their connections, they refer good business to him. He pays them a motivating commission on any sale, and this is ongoing for as long as the contract is in effect. He is currently working in New York, New Jersey, Connecticut and Missouri. Missouri seems like an outlier, but Sayel met an accountant there who has major business connections and it has been a fruitful relationship, Sayel wanted to share his good fortune with some close cousins and great friends.They tried it for a short while. The longest time one cousin lasted was five months. The others, not even that long. You are either a salesperson or you are not. It was not for them. Disappointing for Sayel.
Years ago while searching for a job, Sayel came across a company looking for warehouse workers. It sounded good to him. He had done that work before, Upon arriving for his interview the man in charge asked him to step outside. He explained it was actually an interview for a commission based sales position. Had he put that in the ad, he would not have had many applicants. Few people like working a commission only position. They want a guaranteed salary, Sayel had done some sales before and was willing to try, They set him up for a test run and he was the number one salesperson that day, beating 88 people. Within a few months he had become a trainer. They were selling anything and everything with which they could make money. This was the beginning of what has become a career for him. Sayel is a born salesman, and also an extremely nice and hard working person. He has loads of enthusiasm for his work and it is fun to hear him talk about it.
Sayel and his wife have a wonderful large family with four kids. The oldest is in college, the youngest in elementary school. He is an athlete and enjoys playing basketball and football. The music he loves most are Arabic songs, a tribute to his Palestinian heritage.
Sayel Kaled
Midnight Storm Productions Inc
8426 Liberty Avenue
First Floor
North Bergen, New Jersey, 07047
917 445 4281
[email protected]