Alan Wallach, Author, RENAISSANCE MAN

It was the year 1999, many people were terrified. The world as they knew it would end, planes would fall from the sky, businesses would fail , the economy would collapse, and this they believed, because of a computer glitch, as we entered the new millenium. Nothing Happened. This was no surprise to Author Alan Wallach. Alan, had been a programmer for IBM. He did his research and was certain everything would be just fine. He believed it so much that he wrote a book “The Year 2000 Hoax”.

Need More Credit? Anthony Rosa will show you how.

As a credit specialist and finance coach, Anthony works in all fifty states. All his work is done on the phone. He has a large client base , almost all by referral, completely word of mouth. When he works with clients with large unmanageable credit debt he becomes the intermediary between the client and the credit agency

Marc Winograd Takes Your Serious Personal Injury, Very Seriously

​A tale of two cases:  The man was crossing the street. As he reached the sidewalk. a huge bus jumped the curb and hit him in the lower part of his leg.  The bus driver never saw the pedestrian and drove off – a hit and run.  Although he assumed it was a New Jersey transit bus, the man was not sure. The injury was very serious and the man eventually lost his leg.  Marc Winograd became his Attorney, he had to sue six different bus lines, and through two years of thorough investigation by litigation, he discovered that it was indeed a New Jersey Transit bus.

Eric Okoemu – A Recruiter With a Human Touch

Eric’s strategy is, in truth, a very human approach; he does not want it to be only about salary. He wants it to be more holistic than that. So, he personally interviews all applicants but he also carefully interviews the client. His goal is to get a feeling for the people and the business so he can make a lasting connection for his clients and a lasting connection for the candidates. In his words, “finding the right job that matches one’s passion.” ​

Forced Air vs Central Air Systems

Central air and forced air Two of the most popular forms of climate control systems in use today are HVAC systems. Both operate by pumping heated or cooled air through the ventilation system of a building, which then disperses it across the area. The method of air circulation is the primary distinction between these two […]

What is GAF Energy’s Timberline Solar™ Energy Roof?

​Solar shingles may not be a term you are familiar with, but you have most definitely heard of solar panels. This is due to the small number of manufacturers who offer cutting-edge solar energy rooftops. However, you could start to hear more about these cutting-edge solar roofing systems now that GAF Energy’s Timberline SolarTM roofing system is […]