Buying A House? You CAN shop for the best Title Insurance . Victor Ng explains why you should!


Remember the story about the shoemaker’s kids, they had no shoes. Many of us, when we work for ourselves, seem to forget how to do our jobs and just trust that all will work out, HA! The owner of a Title company and his partner were prepared and pretty excited about purchasing a multi family building in New Jersey. Everything seemed just great, it could not have been easier, until they decided that, hey, maybe we should do a title search. Boom. They discovered that their seller had over one million dollars in judgments against him and that this transaction was doomed. Disappointed, they walked away

Another alarming story is the one about the realtor, who, with her family, purchased lovely wooded property, in a special location.  The plan was to build a great house and sell the project. It would have been a profitable transaction. The attorney they hired to do the legal legwork involved was a long-time friend. The day they were supposed to break ground a cease and desist order was sent, stating ” this is not a building lot. It does not conform”. The participants wound up suing the lawyer and the title company. The moral is, do not be your own realtor, and remember, do the Title work at the beginning of your transaction, especially if you are in the title insurance business.

Both of these stories would have had a happier ending if Victor Ng and his company had been involved in the title search. and this, before a client got too deep into any transaction. Nothing is more important, Victor is fully committed to his clients, and in his own words, “I really care about them”. He feels that this is what sets his company apart from others. Some of his investor clients have become close friends and golfing buddies. ” 

Victor stumbled onto the title search, business after graduating from Rutgers.  Before that, he had lived his whole life in Rhode Island, where his family were real estate developers. At Rutgers he followed this path, studying real estate. After graduating he searched for a job. He filled out an application saying he wanted a job in real estate. His first job was in the real estate title business and he enjoyed it. After working at this job for a while and feeling that he had contributed a lot to this company, Victor asked to be a partner. They did not agree and so Victor took a leap of faith, opened his own title company, and has never looked back! He and his business partner, who had been his first employee, were fortunate in knowing a person who mentored them and showed them how to expand their title business into title insurance. This was an excellent decision Victor and his partner, also named Victor, are great at what they do. They are thorough and detailed in their searches and are trusted by real estate professionals, Attorneys, and the lenders who refer them.

When not being entertained by his two young and adorable kids, two and five, Victor enjoys golfing.  His wife is an illustrator who has worked for some big apparel companies and has also illustrated some children’s books. They are happily living in Jersey City, and life is pretty good. 

Victor Ng
Clear Skies Title
908 810 7402 x114
732 977 0348
[email protected]